From Organizer Stacy Whitmore:
In 2023 the CUASA folks once again pioneered a groundbreaking event in Monroe. The first ever Skills Fly In, a beginner friendly event designed to help pilots improve skills. Because of the response and success of this event the 2nd annual Skills Fly In will be held October 6th -Oct 11th 2025, the thermals will be mellower, there will be less pilots than at the RRRFFI, and we will have more time to go over safety, weather, mountain launching, landing set up, and any other things the pilots want to improve their skills, in a friendly everyone is welcome kind of setting.
We have rented the Quality Center 540 South Main Richfield for the week, and it will be available
to charge electronics, hang out in bad weather or rowdy midday conditions, or snack on delicious
grub. We will meet there from 7-9 Sunday Oct 5th if you want to pick up your t-shirt, and booklet
which includes coupons for great food, and we will discuss Central Utah’s mountains and how to get the
most from flying them.
We will meet each morning at 8:30 AM. Landing Zone 201 East. 800 South. Monroe for our morning flight. We will go over weather, yesterday’s flights, safety concerns, and discuss where to go to get the best flying that the day offers Our afternoon meeting with be at 3:30 PM. Once again at the Landing Zone 201 East. 800 South. Monroe. We will focus on morning and evening flying in smooth air, still lots of lift, but we will avoid the rowdy mid-day conditions.
Your entry fee includes the coveted long-sleeve Red Rocks t-shirt, free food coupons, (Yes, the same booklet that those attending the Fall Fly in have). Use of the Monroe facilities, and all other CUASA benefits. It does not include rides to launch. Please plan on bringing
a vehicle or compensate the driver $20 every time you get a ride to launch, even if you don’t fly.
Fall in Central Utah is a beautiful time to fly, and Cove Mountain, Monroe Peak and Mt Edna
provide free flight opportunities that appeal to Pilots who are interested in improving their skills
in mountain flying.
Every morning, we will meet discuss the weather, why and where we can get the best flights that
day. Our goal is to make the most of each day, even if that means some kiting before heading to
the Monroe Hot Springs, understanding the meteorology behind the flying conditions is most
important in our sport, and knowing when not to fly is more important than knowing how to fly in
marginal conditions, no matter where we fly.
For more info please contact
Stacy Whitmore, 435-979-0225
Your registration includes
- A coveted Fly In shirt
- A booklet filled with free or discounted meals at local establishments.
- The keen eye and attention of mentor pilots
- CUASA Monthly membership
Your registration does not include
- Rides to launch
- Retrieve
A GPS tracker is not required for the Skills Fly In. All inquiries regarding the Skills Fly In should be directed to Stacy Whitmore at“